Heart disease is one of the most common cause of premature death in many countries although the numbers have declined in recent years due to improvement in healthcare. There is also a greater public awareness of the ways to prevent heart disease and the measures to reduce the effect of heart disease. However, heart disease is still a serious threat for you and your family. Hence, you should not be lulled into complacency.
The importance of a proper diet and keeping fit through exercise cannot be over-emphasized for a healthy heart. Avoid consumption saturated fats in the diet. Long term heart disease prevention and control measures include going for a regular check up. Medical check up will not prevent heart disease by itself but early detection can prevent it from becoming a serious problem. Early treatment is a major factor in the successful treatment of many types of heart disease. Hence, a regular check up is essential for those with high risk of developing heart disease.
People with a high risk of developing serious heart disease are the smokers, sufferers of hypertension, diabetes, the obese and those with sedentary lifestyle. If you have any of these risk factors or you have anybody in your family who has heart disease, it would be wise to go for regular annual check ups to pre-empt potential heart disease. You would be smarter to negate the risk factors in the first place by not smoking, eat a proper diet and keep fit through having regular exercise.
More Information
Does Heart Disease Run In Families?
Symptoms of Heart Disease
More Information
Does Heart Disease Run In Families?
Symptoms of Heart Disease
Risk Factors for Heart Disease
Rheumatic Heart Disease
Preventing Heart Disease