
High Risk Factors For Heart Disease

Diet High In Fat

Do you like fatty food? Well, welcome to the high risk grouo for heart disease. Fatty food is almost unavoidable, being so prevalent in our diet. It is no wonder that it is also one of the most prevalent heart disease risk factors. If you consume too much fatty foods over a period of time, you will have a build up of those fat in your blood stream. This is detrimental to your health in two ways. Firstly, it increases blood pressure. Secondly, it can clog up the arteries through accumulation of cholesterol on the wall lining. Young children are not immune to this risk factor. So it is wise to start your children on a healthy diet early.


Some heart disease are hereditary. That is why you should be more careful if there are members of your family with heart disease. If you are genetically predispose to heart disease, staying active and healthy, and keeping a proper diet will eliminate this heart disease risk factor. But it will certainly help to prevent the onset of health conditions leading to heart attack and other heart disease. It is also important to go for regular medical check up. Early detection can be the crucial difference between cure and heart disease.

Tobacco Smoking

Snub it out. One of the most serious heart disease risk factors is tobacco smoking. Fortunately, with better health awareness and vigorous public campaigns to get people to quit, smoking as a heart disease risk factor, is gradually becoming less of a concern. For smokers, it is crucial to quit early as the chemicals present in cigarettes contribute to more than the various heart disease risk factors.