Gastroenteristis is an infection of the gut usually caused by a virus known as Rotavirus. It can also be caused by bacteria such as Camphylobacter and Samonella. It causes serious diarrhoea lasting up to 3 weeks along with vomitting and fever. Infection by Rotavirus can cause serious symptoms requiring hospitalisation and even death. Diarrhoea may occur up to 20 times a day and vomitting yup to 15 times a day. The loss of fluid can lead to dehydration and causes shock, kidney failure or even brain damage. This is a dreadful disease that can inflict a child. It is in fact the common cause of severe diarrhoea and vomitting among babies. It is estimated that almost all children are infected with Rotavirus by the age of 5. It is most common among babies from the age of 6 months to 2 years. Breastfeeding for as long as possible is one mean to prevent infection.
Rotavirus is high infectious and is transmitted by faecal-oral route. The virus can remain on toys and other objects for days. Hence, it is easily spreaded at home and places such as day care centres. Hence, preventive measures include regular disinfection of play areas and handwashing. With known infection, the whole house should be disinfected and handwashing done with alcohol based hand-cleaning agent.
There is no cure for Rotavirus. Treatment is mainly to prevent dehydration or to rehydrate and to bolster the body's immune system to fight the virus. Fortunately, there are vaccines available to protect against Rotavirus. Consult your doctor if you want to protect your young children against this disease.