
Preventing Heart Disease: Information for Parent

Parents, you need to take good care of yourself in order to be able to look after your children. Heart disease is one of the biggest health risk for parent. It can lead to heart attack, stroke or simply a lower quality of life. The good news is that heart disease is preventable. Many experts acknowledge that some risk factors such as gender, genetics and aging are not controllable. However, those factors that can be controlled, can make the difference in heart disease prevention.

Preventing heart disease is simply a matter of changing one's lifestyle and diet. It is a combination of actions to keep healthy, avoid obesity, maintaining normal blood pressure as well as blood sugar level. The latter two are major risk factors for heart disease. So if you are suffering from hypertension or diabetes, you would also need to tackle this problem in order to prevent heart disease. You should stick to a proper diet and your medications if prescribed by a doctor.

The main watch area for many parents is obesity. Obesity must be combat in order to avoid heart disease, even for your children. Combating obesity must be complemented by a proper diet for proper nutrition. A proper diet should include consuming adequate fruits, vegetables and natural fibres.

Dietary supplements, which contain antioxidants, vitamin B and folic acid, can help to maintain a good healthy heart. Try mangosteen puree as a diet supplement. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamin B and folic acid. Antioxidants destroy free radicals thereby preventing damage to cells, which can cause arteriosclerotic heart disease. Vitamin B and folic acid help keep homocysteine low. A high homocysteine level contribute to the casual of arteriosclerotic heart disease.

Heart disease prevention is possible and easy. By maintaining the right lifestyle and diet, you are enhancing your good protection against heart disease.