
A Good Start For A Healthy Child

Children see, children do. A healthy lifestyle starts with the parents who should set a good example for their children.

Here are some tips for healthy living that you can give your child.

Eat Well

Be the role model for a balanced diet. You want the best for your kid including the best nutrients. What better way than to incorporate these into the daily diet? Moderate your own consumption of snacks and fast food.

Make time for a family meal and stick to a regular meal time.

Teach healthy eating habits to your kid. For example, educate on the food pyramid and monitor that kids do not over eat. Use grocery shopping time together to talk about the different food groups - rice and bread; vegetables; fruits and meat. Point out that processed food tend to have more sugar, oil and salt.

Stay Active

Make the effort to exercise regularly. Exercise and sports are also a great time for family bonding. Plan for outdoor time. That means, parents, you need to tear yourself away from the TV and computers. Hand off the mobile devices too.

Stay Away from Harmful Substances

Do not smoke in the presence of children. It is proven that nicotine and other harmful substances from cigarette smoke will linger on the surfaces of surrounding objects for days. So once you lit up, your child will be exposed to all the adverse effects of second hand smoke even when you are not smoking.

Children of smokers are more likely to take up smoking as teens and adults.  A 2009 survey of youth smokers showed that 50 percent of them had at least one parent who smoked. Moderate your intake of alcohol as well. Your child is watching. If you choose to drink, avoid doing so in front of your kid. If you persists in your smoking and drinking habits, what message are you sending to your child?

Manage Your Stress Properly

Some people use smoking and drinking as a mean to relieve stress. There are many positive ways of relieving stress. Exercise and mediation have been shown to be effective. So are creative activities like writing and baking. Find a good outlet for your stress.