What is Ovarian Cancer?
Ovaries are the female reproductive organs. A woman has two, located on each side of the uterus. Ovarian cancer occurs when the ovary cells begin to grow out of control, resulting in a tumour. A tumour is the abnormal growth of cells. A tumour can either be harmless (benign) or cancerous. There are three main ways that a cancerous tumour can develop. Germ cell tumours develop from the cells that produces the eggs. Stromal tumours start from the cells that hold the ovary together. Epithelial tumours start from cells on the outer surface of the ovary. Most ovarian cancers are epithelial tumours and they usually affect older women.
Risk Factors For Ovarian Cancer
Age is a significant risk factor with a higher risk for older women. Ovarian cancer is rare in women below the age of 40. The risk is higher for women who have their first full-term pregnancy after the age of 35. Likewise for women who have never give birth. The risk is lower for women who have borne a child before the age of 26. This is something to note for older women who have yet to carry a pregnancy to term. Especially, if they are obese and have a family history.
Obesity is linked to many health problems. Some researchers highlighted that obese women with body mass index of more than 30, are at a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer. For family history, the risk is twenty times more if a woman has immediate relative (mother or sister) who has cancer.
Ovarian cancer is fairly common. If it is diagnosed in the early stage, it can potentially be cured. The five-year relative survival rate is 92% if the cancer is detected before it can spread outside the ovary (Stage 1A and 1 B). However, only 15% of all ovarian cancer cases are diagnosed at this early stage.
Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer
The problem with ovarian cancer, especially epithelial ovarian cancer is that they seldom have early warning signs and symptoms. In the later stages, abdominal discomfort and swelling, pain, bloatedness or wind are common symptoms. Some people may also experience a change in bowel habits.
Women should be aware of the risk factors of ovarian cancer as well as the warning signs. Hence, this post is for information.
Ovaries are the female reproductive organs. A woman has two, located on each side of the uterus. Ovarian cancer occurs when the ovary cells begin to grow out of control, resulting in a tumour. A tumour is the abnormal growth of cells. A tumour can either be harmless (benign) or cancerous. There are three main ways that a cancerous tumour can develop. Germ cell tumours develop from the cells that produces the eggs. Stromal tumours start from the cells that hold the ovary together. Epithelial tumours start from cells on the outer surface of the ovary. Most ovarian cancers are epithelial tumours and they usually affect older women.
Risk Factors For Ovarian Cancer
Age is a significant risk factor with a higher risk for older women. Ovarian cancer is rare in women below the age of 40. The risk is higher for women who have their first full-term pregnancy after the age of 35. Likewise for women who have never give birth. The risk is lower for women who have borne a child before the age of 26. This is something to note for older women who have yet to carry a pregnancy to term. Especially, if they are obese and have a family history.
Obesity is linked to many health problems. Some researchers highlighted that obese women with body mass index of more than 30, are at a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer. For family history, the risk is twenty times more if a woman has immediate relative (mother or sister) who has cancer.
Ovarian cancer is fairly common. If it is diagnosed in the early stage, it can potentially be cured. The five-year relative survival rate is 92% if the cancer is detected before it can spread outside the ovary (Stage 1A and 1 B). However, only 15% of all ovarian cancer cases are diagnosed at this early stage.
Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer
The problem with ovarian cancer, especially epithelial ovarian cancer is that they seldom have early warning signs and symptoms. In the later stages, abdominal discomfort and swelling, pain, bloatedness or wind are common symptoms. Some people may also experience a change in bowel habits.
Women should be aware of the risk factors of ovarian cancer as well as the warning signs. Hence, this post is for information.