
Keeping Your Child Safe From HFMD

HFMD or Hand Foot Mouth Disease, is a highly contagious disease. Children are also highly susceptible to other infections when affected by HFMD. In severe cases, the HFMD virus can damage a child's brain stem, which controls key functions such as breathing, digestion, eye movement and the beating of the heart.

To protect your children, it is important to teach them the importance of hygience as early as possible. Some habits to inculcate would be washing of hands with soap before meals and after going to the toilet, covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.

If you suspect your child has HFMD, consult a doctor immediately. Keep your child home from school, kindergarten or childcare centre to avoid spreading to other children. Do remember to inform the school so that they can monitor the other children for symptoms and prevent a outbreak. You should also keep your child away from all public places such as restaurants, playgrounds and shopping centres until he or she has fully recovered. This would be till all the blisters have dried up and there are no more symptoms. Consult your doctor if in doubt.

To prevent the spread of HFMD within the household, disinfect items such as toy, book, utensils, clothing and towel. Take note of items that can be contaminated by salvia and nasal secretion. Separate these items from other users. Look out for signs and symptoms in other family members. It is important to note that some infected people may not show obvious signs or symptoms that is why practising good hygiene is very important.