HFMD or Hand Foot and Mouth Disease in young children is problematic as they are ill-prepared to cope with the symptoms. Parents are advised to consult a doctor early if they suspect that their child has symptoms of HFMD. They should also be on the alert to any change in their child's behaviour, such as irritation and sleepiness. Should a child refuse to eat or drink properly, start having persistent vomiting or is drowsiness, the parents should bring their child to the nearest hospital.
Prevention of HFMD
When there is a serious outbreak of HFMD, as far as possible, parents should consider keeping their children away from crowded public places. If the child show signs of infection, parents should keep the child away from schools, play groups and other public places in public transport. Family members should be advised to follow good hygiene practices, including frequent hand washing, to limit the spread of the infection in the household.