Lately, there was a reported rise in the number of severe HFMD (Hand Foot Mouth Disease) caused by the Enterovirus (EV71). The increase in the circulation of Enterovirus 71 (EV71) among HFMD patients was reported in many country around the world. While HFMD is generally a mild and self-limiting childhood disease, those caused by EV71 are usually more severe in nature and can lead to complications and even death. Countries such as China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan, have recently experienced HFMD outbreaks caused by EV71.
It is important to maintain high standards of personal and environmental hygiene to minimise the risk of HFMD. Parents should ensure that their children adopt proper hygiene practices such as washing of hands with soap before eating and after going to the toilet; covering mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. Throw the tissue away after use immediately. Do not allow children to share eating utensils. Parents should also ensure that their children's toys that can be contaminated by nasal or oral secretions are cleaned regularly.